Effects of rhamnan sulfate in lowering cholesterol

Background and aim

Dyslipidemia, previously known as hyperlipidemia, is an illness that causes LDL cholesterol in the blood (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol to rise and HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) to decrease. Recently, it has been discovered that the higher the level of HDL cholesterol the better. When diagnosing dyslipidemia, maintaining the LH ratio (the ratio of LDL cholesterol to HDL cholesterol) at a low level is important. Dyslipidemia promotes the development of arteriosclerosis and may cause myocardial infarction and stroke; hence, it is important to maintain the LH ratio at a low level in order to prevent these diseases from occurring. We investigated the effect of ingesting rhamnan sulfate has on lipids in the blood.


Study methods

Sixty male participants who did not suffer from liver or kidney ailments and not taking drugs or supplements that might have had an effect on the lipid system   were selected, and they were given a blood test one week before the rhamnan sulfate administration. Sixteen of the participants with relatively high levels of cholesterol in their blood were selected to serve as the study participants. They were given 3 g of rhamnan sulfate 30 minutes after breakfast every day for six weeks. Blood tests were carried out before  study participants started ingesting rhamnan sulfate and at two, four, and six weeks thereafter to measure the lipid levels in their blood.



Total cholesterol in serum and LDL cholesterol decreased in a time-dependent manner, and a significant reduction was observed six weeks after the administration of rhamnan sulfate in comparison with the previous lipid levels at the beginning. However, there were no changes in HDL cholesterol levels with the use of rhamnan sulfate.


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We found that rhamnan sulfate is an effective dietary ingredient that is effective in lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and in improving the LH ratio without affecting the HDL cholesterol level.